Humidity Sensor HS1101
Full interchangeability with no calibration required in standard conditions
● Instantaneous desaturation after long periods in saturation phase
● Compatible with automatized assembly processes, including wave soldering,
reflow and water immersion (1)
● High reliability and long term stability
● Patented solid polymer structure
● Suitable for linear voltage or frequency output circuitry
● Fast response time
● Individual marking for compliance to stringent traceability requirements
MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta= 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Ratings Symbol Value Unit
Operating Temperature Ta -40 to 100 °C
Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to 125 °C
Supply Voltage Vs 10 Vac
Humidity Operating Range RH 0 to 100 % RH
Soldering @ T = 260°C t 10 s

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